For World Water Day, "Make A Splash!"
Posted on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Calling all Toronto students & teachers – Make a Splash!
Kidoons is partnered with The City of Toronto's Live Green program and RBC Blue Water Project on a super new contest that will make you think about what water means to you!
First Prize!
- $5,000 towards a green project at your school
- Your entry will be featured in a Kidoons Network cartoon episode about why water is important
- A pizza party for your class
- Your entry will be featured in a public display at RBC and/or the City of Toronto
Rivers, creeks, ponds – and a great, big lake. Toronto has them all. We all know that it's important to keep our waterways clean and healthy - here's a chance for you to tell us why it's important to YOU! Make a Splash! Enter the contest! Win great prizes!
Share a story, a memory, or a wish that you have for Toronto's rivers, creeks, ponds, or that great, big lake of ours. Tell us why they are important to you! We'll accept all kinds of entries, including a mural, song, photograph, poem, video, dance, painting, diorama – the sky's the limit.
Contest is open to all students in Toronto-based elementary and secondary schools. For full contest details click here!